Welcome To The Animal Jam Moon Times! We hope you enjoy your stay! Remember to have fun and trade safely on AJ!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Heart Boots

Hey jammers its me Fusion with today's daily post anyways today's new item are the heart boots which resemble the cozy shoes.
                                    Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Rants #4 The Over Trade And Under Trade Jammers

Hey jammers its me Fusion and I know I haven't done a rant since November so I decided to make one this rant is called the over trade and under trade jammers because I am about to rant about people over trading for rares and betas and under trade for them, anyways lets get on to the rant. Okay so rares and betas are good and bad at the same time, some jammers under trade for them while other over trade for them. There are 2 ways of over trading 1 which is when you the jammer who sees an item that you want lets say a rare headdress and you trade them a rare long spike that's an over trade. Another example of an over trade is when you see an item that you like lets use the rare headdress again and you trade them a rare short yellow long which I think that is a good trade for both jammers but then the other jammer declines and send you a jamaa gram saying that they would like a rare long pink if you do trade them they will get the better deal because rare headdresses are way worth less than any long rare spike. Okay so now for the under trade jammers the jammers who under trade for betas and rares. Usually the under trade jammers are the jammers who have barely joined Animal Jam and don't know the values of the rares and betas.

   Anyways I hope you enjoyed this rant anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye! ^-^

Heart Trident And A Leaving Skateboard

Hey jammers its me Fusion with today's daily post anyways lets get to today's item. Today's new item is the heart Trident located in Bahari Bargains for 500 gems.

Today's leaving item is the skateboard which today is its last day so you better pick it up before it leaves.

                                    Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Friendship Updates

Hey jammers today there wasn't supposed to be an update because last week there was an update but here is the update its pretty much like last week except there is a new adventure called Special Delivery which is a Valentine's themed adventure so maybe AJHQ is going to make seasonal holiday adventures. You can do the adventure from your party tab.

               Speaking of special delivery here are some possible prizes from the new adventure.

Anyways lets get to today's new item today's new item is located in Epic Wonders and it is the heart ring.

Since Valentine's day is around the corner I have a friendship themed look so here it is.


                                                     - Rare Friendship Horns
                                                     - Rare Friendship Bands
                                                     - Rare Friendship wings
                                                      - Rare Raccoon Tail
                                                      - Spiked Collar 

                                   Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye! ^-^

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Heart Glasses And A Leaving Soccer Ball

Hey jammers its me Fusion with today's daily post so today's returning item is the heart glasses which can be used to make a friendship themed outfit.
       Today's leaving item is the pro soccer ball which you can pick it up today before it leaves.

                                Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye bye! ^-^

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

2 Returning Ocean Items

                                          Hey jammers here are today's returning items.

                                   Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming  bye bye!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Rare Pink Purse

Hey jammers Fusion here with a really quick post ok so today's rare item Monday is the rare pink purse which people said that it was first released on Thursday.

                                    Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye! ^.^

Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Window And A Headband

Hey jammers its me Fusion and today there are 2 returning items which are friendship themed. They are the heart window and the heart antennae headband.

                              Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye jammers! ^.^

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Heart Cape And A Leaving Hat

       Hey jammers today's returning item is something friendship themed it is the heart cape.

Today's leaving item is a hat it is the straw hat today is its last day so you better pick it up before it leaves.

                                    Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye! ^.^

Friday, January 23, 2015

2 Returning Items

Hey jammers its me Fusion with a quick post so here are today's returning items are Friendship themed.
                                     Anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming  bye bye!