Hey jammers today is Thursday February 26, 2015 and today there are updates. But first look at Animal Jam's Homepage it's back to it's original form DX , I loved the winter one.
Here are this update's jamaa journal there just a bunch of reminders and I think next week is when the real updates come with new things.
Today's returning item in Treetop Gardens is the Potted Clovers for 300 gems.
The Lucky Party is now here so if you want you can go visit it. Btw the Special Delivery Adventure is now not available sadly.
In other news the Epic Seasonal Tree has buds on it's branches now.
Today's leaving item is the Princess Chair in Jam Mart Furniture so you better pick it up before it leaves.
Here is today's GIF I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Anyways that's it for today's post anyways bye bye jammers happy jamming bye bye! ^-^